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Thursday, February 20, 2020

Roger Stone Sentanced By Biased Partisan Lefty Judge 👩🏻‍⚖️

The whole thing was Kabuki theater from the get. From CNN being there when the FBI went to arrest Stone, to Judge Amy acting like a partisan harpy throughout the trial, to the jury being selected to be hyper partisan and the jury foreperson lying about it.

Stone is an over the top clown (at times), but the suggestion that he somehow impacted the Mueller Report is complete and utter nonsense. This was a political hatchet job from the begining.

The only issue is whether Roger Stone can stay out of prison while an appeal is pending.  If that is the case, a pardon may not be forthcoming immediately.

I suppose Mini-Mike Bloomberg is happy. This changes the news cycle.

EBL: Did the Jury Foreperson in the Roger Stone trial lie so as to get him convicted from the start?

AoSHQ: Morning RantMorning Report 02.21.20 and Hawaiian Judge Amy Berman Jackson sentances Roger Stone to 40 months in jail

Rush Limbaugh: Drive-by media glued to Stone sentancing and Trump's right about Stone

Federalist: Why a nine [three+] year prison sentance for Roger Stone is insane

Legal Insurrection: Roger Stone sentenced to 40 months in prison

Last Refuge: Judge Amy to deal with jury issues after sentance

Instapundit: Roger Stone Sentanced In D.C. Courtroom

PJ Media: About Trump commuting Blagojevich...

Don Surber: Obama judges abuse law

1 comment:

  1. Barr either prosecutes those that lied, or forever becomes a major participant in the coup against the President. Those are the only two paths available, and time will either reveal his integrity, or sedition.


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