Sunday, November 10, 2019

Whenever someone says "OK Boomer" I think of this...๐Ÿค”

Rule 5 and FMJRA

Goodstuff's: Nerdy Ed. 

Woodsterman: Fun Day

357 Magnum: Sunday Links

Hogewash: Quote of the Day

Bacon Time: Sunday Linkage

American Power Blog: Tulsi Gabbard

Animal Magnetism : Saturday Gingermageddon

A View from the Beach: Russia Gate Racing Along

Diogenes Middle Finger News: A Good Monday Morning

Pirate's Cove: If all you see..., and Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Camp of the Saints: Ideological Libertarians: The Terrible Simplifiers

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: Hot Pick, Girls With Guns, Morning Mistress and Blogs With Rule 5 Links

A collection of sites known for appreciation of Rule 5 and college football ๐Ÿˆ:

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