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Sunday, October 27, 2019

Abū Bakr al-Baghdadi Dead: Feel Good Story of the Day

Abū Bakr al-Baghdadi : Died as a coward

This is a good way to start the week. I will pray for the safety of our military and thank God. 

Interesting the different takes on this event. The leftist media is furiously spinning this event to show Trump is in the wrong. The Washington Post went so far as to describe Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as an"austere religious leader" That is not the phrase that would come to my mind to describe this monster. Objectivity dies in darkness. 

Mark Steyn: Baghdadi Bagged

American Thinker: What would Pierre Delecto do?

Breitbart: Died whimpering and screaming all the way

Lem's Place: Democracy struggles at the Washington Post

Daily Mail: Baghdadi: Crying, Whimpering, and Screaming

Legal Insurrection: Schiffy biggest leaker in Washington and TRUMP: ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is DEAD

AoSHQ: Oregon Muse adopted Baghdadi Pig Roast Photo!Morning Report 10.28.19,  and WaPo "austere religious leader" obit

Rush Limbaugh: Trump's Brilliant Syria Strategy Fooled Everyone and "Democracy Dies In Darkness" is not a warning, it's a plan

TOM: 'Austere Religious Scholar'Report: U.S. Special Operations Raid Kills ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, and Died Like A Coward

Powerline: Week In Pictures: Hero DogYou can't mock the WaPo enoughPsycho WaPoMussulini and the WaPoREPORT: KILLIN’ CALIPH DOWN

Instapundit: US kills ISIS spokesman day after Baghdadi raidWaPo changes Baghdadi obit headline three timesA SPECIAL FORCES RAID CONDUCTED WITH THE KURDS, Trump outsmarts Putin with Syria retreat, Past performance is no guarantee of future resultsOh to be in England, and Trump approves raid on al Baghdadi and ISIS

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