Sunday, July 28, 2019

Democrats Destroying Family Farms in Upstate New York

State Senator Pam Helming responds to what a disaster this bill will be for New York Farmers

Most farm workers get paid piecemeal, not by the hour.  Most farmworkers do quiet well. A skilled farm hand can harvest a lot of strawberries, apples, and other seasonal produce--most earn far better than minimum wage. There is no incentive to bust your butt harvesting produce on an hourly pay scale. Farmers operate on thin margins, so they cannot easily pass these costs on to consumers (especially since other states are not as bat shit crazy as New York Democrats). Neighboring states will under cut them.

This bill, which requires paying farm workers minimum wage and time and a half for over time (over 40 hours) also results in less money for farm workers. That is because farmers can't afford to pay them the OT. So guess what, most will go seek work elsewhere.

So this bill hurts family farms. It hurts farm workers. It benefits larger agro businesses who are better able to automate and other states. This is all because New York City and Albany posers have to virtue signal.

Buffalo News: A Raw Deal For Farms

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