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Monday, December 31, 2018

Louis CK makes fun of Parkland scolds and transgender pronouns in leaked stand-up audio...

If you can't make fun of annoying David Hogg, who can you make fun of?  

Louis CK is right and doesn't care what you think (importantly, however, the audience laughed)
'You’re not interesting because you went to a high school where kids got shot. Why does that mean I have to listen to you? Why does that make you interesting. You didn’t get shot. You pushed some fat kid in the way and now I gotta listen to you talking,' he added.  
All the while the audience is hooting and howling in laughter.

Comedians are supposed to be funny. So what if Louis CK is a jerk, he's funny. Lighten up.

Not to be a hypocrite. I did not care for it when Louis CK trashed Sarah Palin (and Obama invited him to the White House). I did not think his Sarah Palin jokes funny, but that's me. To me the real issue was Obama inviting him to the White House (after getting all offended over Rush mocking Sandra Fluke). The recent set I thought was funny. It depends who's ox is being gored, but hey, if he can make jokes like that and get people to see him, so be it.  

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