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Sunday, October 21, 2018

Nick Kristof Has GOP Daddy Issues

Kristof sort of acknowledges Democrat run states and cities are not doing so well. But like an angsty teenager, he blames the cause of that on the GOP not acting like a parent (and keeping the Democrats honest).  He suggests we need more centrist conservative leaders, like John McCain, to keep Donald Trump in line.

Thanks for the advice Nick, but...no. I am also old enough to remember how Democrats treated John McCain when he ran for President. The GOP as a whole does not have to accommodate you. There are plenty of centrist Republicans out there that you and your fellow Democrats could support and vote for (I hear Mitt Romney is still prowling about). Better yet, why not recruit some centrist moderate Democrats to run in some of these failed one party states? Can the Democrats not produce pragmatic centrist politicians like John F. Kennedy, Patrick Moynihan, or Ed Koch anymore? Pro Tip: David Hogg is probably not the type of politician you should be recruiting.

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TOM: Twitter bans Bruce Carroll (@GayPatriot) Maybe leftists at Twitter, Facebook, and Google should listen to conservatives, rather than trying to shut them down.

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