Thursday, September 6, 2018

So who wrote the "Resistance" op-ed to the New York Times?

Reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks to Sultan Mehmed IV of the Ottoman Empire, also known as Cossacks of Saporog Are Drafting a Manifesto by Ilya Repin (1880-1891).

Beachcoming's Bizarre History Blog: Rudest Diplomatic Letter Ever?

Yesterday the New York Times printed an op-ed by a supposed "resistance" mole in the Trump Administration.  My guess it is a minor and cowardly Beta NeverTrump "player" trolling the President. Don Surber suggests perhaps it is Trump himself (the letter does in a way help Trump more than it hurts him). While not a fan of this stunt, it is sort of fun to speculate (Ben Shapiro suggested sarcastically maybe it was Ted Cruz's dad or that Mueller himself wrote it).  

I could not "resist" posting Repin's masterwork above. I love that painting. That is how the self named Resistance thinks of themselves (actually more heroic and working behind the scenes to save the Republic). In reality they are more like Code Pink: Counter-productive narcissistic shrills and media whores.

The 'Resistance'

Lem's Place: Who done it?  Jon Huntsman?

Lem's/Chip Ahoy: Pest Control

Rush Limbaugh: Mark Steyn Guest

AoSHQ/J.J. Sefton: Dumb and Blonder

Mark Steyn On Line: The Handmaid's Tailspin

TOM: CNN's Favorite 'Republican Strategist' and In The Mailbox 09.05.18: Twitchy: Did The NYT Just Serve President Trump His Deep State Talking Point On A Silver Platter? and American Thinker: Does Mueller Have An October Surprise?

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