I can't tell you how much I love this letter from Judge Kavanaugh!
I will fight for Kavanaugh and the GOP better do so too!
I am of course paraphrasing from Patton on my headline. No lefties, this is not to imply Kavanaugh is a Nazi. You on the left are the fascists in this fight. Actually this is more akin to the famous response of the 101st Airborne at Bastone in response to a German request for surrender: "Nuts"
EBL: GOP Grow A Spine: Call The Vote
Mark Steyn: It's Here, It's There, It's Everywhere!
AoSHQ: Kavanaugh: I will not be intimidated by these vile threats
J.J. Sefton: The Turtle Snaps Back: Will The GOP go to the matresses?
Legal Insurrection: Kavanaugh: I will not be intimidated by these vile threats
Instapundit: Hey GOP, you have a choice: Confirm Kavanaugh or get slaughtered in November
Powerline: McConnell's stand: Kavanaugh vote after testimony on Thursday (with or without recommendation by committee), Judge Kavanaugh Speaks, Democrats Dive Into The Mud
Rush Limbaugh: Rush Sounds The Alarm: GOP better confirm Kavanaugh or kiss the midterms goodbye, Attacks on Kavanaugh Family Are Vile, The Destruction of the Rule of Law and American Jurisprudence
TOM: The Deeper Meaning of Kavanaughkampf, Graham Heroic, Kavanaugh Hearing Update: Kate Hunt, While Watching The #Kavanaugh Hearing, The Big Day: Avenatti Client Discredited, Ford's Accusation Now Collapsing, A Totalitarian Movement To Destroy Civilization As We Know It
I'm familiar with that infamous quote from the commander at Bastone---NUTS! Nothing funny about this situation, however I did write a short satirical piece on this today. As the second Kavanaugh accuser steps forward leaders in the MeToo movement anxiously await the other 160,000,000 women of America to step forward and say, "he did it to me too".