Thursday, August 2, 2018

Rush Limbaugh 30th Anniversary

Thank you Rush and happy anniversary

TOM: Note that @AceOfSpadesHQ has gone full populist  (promoting conservatism for regular people is not exactly populist, but it is a very good thing, what Reagan did, and what Rush pioneered as radio entertainment and information) and In The Mailbox 08.02.18.  

Rush Limbaugh: Trump hits 50% approval after being on Rush's show, Resist Midterm FatalismPresident Trump Calls The Show, 30 years of Rush, CNN on Rush and Trump, Disagreeing with Dad won't buy her media loveRush's remembrance of William F. Buckley (some of the folks at NR should pay attention to this, such as who is carrying forth real conservatism and Buckley's legacy and who is not)

Buckley got Rush. Note Rush's comment at 27:00

1 comment:

  1. It was a great show yesterday. I've been listening to him almost from the beginning. My dad got me hooked on him. However, I quit listening through the Bush years, because I got tired of politics. It was only this year that I purchased his online subscription service.

    With the supposedly right print media opting to be all socialist now; I'm happy we still have control of the radio waves, and our share of the blogosphere.


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