Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Mollie Tibbetts RIP: Justice for Mollie

The suspect has basically confessed.  He admitted seeing and approaching her while she was running and showed the police where the body was. He claims he blacked out and is not sure what happened.  

We need a wall, e-verify, and trace back on visa stays. We need enforcement. Democrats are against it. They don't care about native kids, they just worry about immigrants. Not because Democrats really care about illegals personally (they don't) they just want their votes to stay in power. 

As far as politicizing Mollie Tibbetts death:  I know that there are evil people everywhere and most illegal aliens are not evil.  That said, this person who stalked and stabbed her to death was an illegal alien and is evil. We have a right and obligation to screen people who come to the USA and this person was not screened at all.  

My condolences to Mollie Tibbetts's family.  I am so sorry for your loss.  

1 comment:

  1. Iowa, Massachusetts just called. They said "get over it", because the really important thing is how the immigrant feels about losing their children. Oh, and they finished the call "impeach Trump".

    We'll hold a poll in November to see if you got over it.


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