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Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Was Arianna Huffington part of a tantric sex cult (back in the day)?

Arianna denies it, but she was really good friends with Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. Netflix is doing a show on the cult back when it was in Antelope, Oregon. The Bhagwan was a piece of work (and his followers were promoting things like bioterrorism and murder), but (I am grasping for something good to say) at least he was encouraging them to go this route.  

Ariana Huffington back when she was Arianna Stasinopoúlou

She was an actual conservative and critic of feminism back in the day. She was always a libertarian. I am not sure if she "evolved" or just decided going to the left pays more.  

Rule 5 and FMJRA

Woodsterman: Old Guys

Hogewash: Killer Statistics

The Right Way: Link-O-Rama

Daily Caller: Paper Sign Protest

The Feral Irishman: Friday Fatale

Powerline: The Children's Crusade

The Chive: Azsae and Post Paddy Kiki

Bring The Heat: Happy St. Patrick's Day

Legal Insurrection: CNN's airport monopoly

DaTechGuy: 30 Ways To Stay Married and Trashed

Political Clown Parade: My money is on Mad Tweeter and Flowing Curves

EBL: What Bosworth and Zuckerberg think about youTriggering VegansNeverTrumper Ann Coulter?Spring CleaningMarch for Repeal of Second AmendmentGovernor Bevin is spot on with thisHaley ClausenAustin Bomber stoppedSpringWhere's Zuck?SmoothA Song For St. Joseph's DayGuess who Rod Rosenstein's wife represented?St. Joseph Day Eve

A collection of sites known for appreciation of Rule 5 and free love tantric sex cults:


  1. Arianna Huffington Nude (not for the faint of heart!)

    1. I could have done without seeing that. Now excuse me while I burn out my eyes with hot pokers.


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