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Friday, March 2, 2018

Super Colony of Adélie Penguins Found In Antarctica

So it turns out these little guys are not in decline, they just moved colony locations.  Good news.

Update: King Penguin Colony Collapse?  Are you looking in the right place?

Those black dots are adelie penguins. Once thought to be on the decline, this super colony of 1.5 million was recently found. from r/gifs

Penguin Attack from r/gifs

1 comment:

  1. They probably moved after Antarctica became full of scientists. After all, they do nothing but mess with the animals, leave frozen waste, bother everyone with loud machinery, and generally make problems like all humans do, when their curiosity leads to just ignoring well-enough alone.

    They'll probably have to move again, but I don't recommend California. There's enough crap on the streets without adding that of over a million penguins. That, and they can't afford the taxes.


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