Friday, October 20, 2017


This is a very big deal. The Trump Administration, Jeff Sessions we are looking at you, should be either moving forward with a serious investigation or appointing a motivated special prosecutor to go after what went down. The Clintons and Obama sold out the United States with the Russians. And Mueller gave them a pass.

That Fusion GPS dossier was an attempt to deflect attention from the real scandal.  

AoSHQ/J.J. Sefton: Critical Mass

Feral Irishman: Sounds About Right

Roger Simon: Mueller must recuse himself

Diogenes' Middle Finger: Real Russia Colluders

AoSHQ: A Match Made In Hell and Stop Fusion GPS

Breitbart: Schweizer: Investigation Warranted of Clinton

NY Post: Team Obama's Stunning Coverup of his Russia Colluison

Don Surber: Time to subpoena Obama on his ties to Uranium and Russia

Legal Insurrection: A Warning About Robert MuellerBill Clinton met with Vlad Putin during Uranium One Deal

Powerline: The Fusion CollusionHillary Clinton, Uranium, and Russian Spy Ring and Democrats' Uranium One Scandal Is Exploding

EBL: What is Fusion GPS?, Fusion GPS and Russian Honey PotLouise Mensch's Raging Russian Fever Dream (oh there is plenty of Russian collusion out there but not the collusion that Louise was hoping for)

Wombat: Da Tech Guy: #ItWasntMe (it was Bill though), also, Who Wanted To Meet With The Russians? Bill Clinton, The Jawa Report: Sandcrawler PSA – Russians Run MSM?, Mark Steyn: Uranium & Diarrhea, Inc.

Rush Limbaugh: Why did Sessions recuse himself?NBC used Buzzfeed as a frontEvery institution in Washington has been corrupted by these Russian collusion liesThe Scandal of Scandals: Clinton and DNC paid for Fake News Russia DossierGOP committees kick into gear to investigate Clinton Obama Uranium One and Clinton's exonerationVictor Davis Hanson on Trump and GOP Civil WarCorker Kerfuffle

Instapundit: Ouch, Clinton's Dirtiest Trick (that we know of), If parties were reversed, Perkins Coie would be radioactive, Obama was all in on this scam too, Bill lobbied for Russia, Mueller conflictedTucker grills Obama lackey, Andrea Mitchell Missed It (Sad), Why is Bill Clinton getting a pass on sexual assault?Fusion Collusion includes Democrat Slader Operation Fusion GPS, Explosion, Culture of Corruption (Clinton Crony Capitalism), Culture of Corruption (and Mueller was part of it), Tables Turned: Clinton, Obama, and Holder Colluding With Russia, PJ Media: What did Mueller know and when did he know it, Powerline: Bombshell revelations about Russia and Obama's Justice Department, Commentary: Hillary's Russia Scandal, Hillary Coup Fantasy

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