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Tuesday, July 11, 2017

What killed the mega fauna of North and South America?

Nova: What wiped out the mega fauna of North and South America?

If humans played a pivotal role, why did megafauna get wiped out in the Americas, Europe, Northern Asia and Australia, but not Africa and Southern Asia?  I will accept hunting played a partial role in this (in possibly pushing some species over the edge), but there must have been a significant climate component to this too, that caused a massive disruption to the ecology of the planet (especially in the temperate zones). That would drop animals numbers and make them vulnerable in the first place. Climate change was bad, even back in the day.

While island bound species might lack a sense of danger, I doubt woolly rhinoceros and mammoths were easy to kill on the mainland. Especially given they were preyed upon by saber toothed cats, short faced bears (think of a grizzly x 3), ice age lions, and dire wolves.  
The Megafauna of Mexico

The Clovis people also could have come down the coasts, but come they did

I am going to guess more spear throwing and less rocks with big game such as mammoths and mastodons: Elephants tend to retaliate if you hit them with rocks

But a very big rock may have wiped out the animals and set back Clovis culture

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