Saturday, April 29, 2017

So How Did The White House Correspondents' Dinner Go This Year?

Trump just said he is building the wall, don't doubt it.  And Trump called Schumer a "bad leader." And he had the temerity to mock the media (gasp)!

TOM: Media Trolled: Get reporters to believe 'Ok' gesture is a 'White Power' signal

Milo: Enemy of the people pretend they are not enemies of the people
Lem's Place: Trump, Harrisburg Rally, Media


  1. Was that tonight? I was too busy that I forgot the nerds had a prom. Did they invite Hillary? That would have been balzy, but these are the nerds.

    1. I am watching the Trump rally, he's on a roll. Yes, apparently the Nerd WHCD is tonight. Don't know (and don't think) Hillary went (to either the Trump rally or the Nerd dinner).


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