Saturday, April 1, 2017

Bill's Babes or O'Reilly's Angels? Update: O'Reilly Taking A Vacation...

So what are we to make of these allegations?  While they certainly could be true, Bill O'Reilly is not running for office (unlike Hillary who bullied women abused by Bill Clinton) and none of this stuff involving O'Reilly (at least what I have heard) is criminal--He reminds me of another Long Island dude. I do not support harassing women at work, but I also know guys like O'Reilly have big targets on them. And it probably doesn't help that Bill O'Reilly has a reputation for being difficult.

There are two sides to every story, even if there is a pattern of behavior (or at least allegations) with the Big Mick. There could be a mixed bag of truth and lies on both sides. If there were settlements and things are resolved in civil court, what business is it of ours? This is between those women and O'Reilly and FoxNews.

Sorry lefty media, but I suspect there is plenty of bad behavior in lefty news circles (and a few real odd balls). I am not a Bill O'Reilly fan, but these sort of allegations are nothing more than allegations. Unless you got more this (or The Factor's ratings implode) this is just an excuse to run a Rule 5 grouping.

Laurie Dhue, I thought she was excellent


  1. It could also be the Murdoch brothers merely want him gone, much like Ailes, although O'Really went wobbly a long time ago

    1. They may not like him, but I don't think the Murdochs boys want him gone. O'Reilly gets great ratings. It is the NYT that posted the story the other day. When the media is not attacking Trump, their next target is FoxNews.

  2. If true, Bill has good taste in women.

    1. I could see Bill being a bit of a horn dog. He is surrounded by beautiful women, he is rich and successful, it would be easy for him to get flirty or frisky with his coworkers. That could be abused on his side (if the advances were unwelcomed and he pushed it) or expose him if he is fooling around and something goes wrong (even if it is not his fault--say a contract is not renewed).


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