Sunday, March 5, 2017

Glitter Ash Wednesday?

The purpose of Ash Wednesday is to remind us that we are all going to eventually die, in preparation of engaging in a somber atmosphere to start Lent (leading to Easter and the resurrection of Christ).  It is a universal thing, so everyone from infant to the elderly, gay or straight, all get ashes (if you are Catholic or a Christian tradition that follows this).  

Engaging in identity politics takes away from that. So I completely disagree with this sentiment. Not because I want to exclude gay Christians from Lent, but because this is a day all people. You show solidarity with people by treating them with respect through the year, not putting glitter on your forehead. Because this whole glitter thing is a distraction from what this day is about.    

Gays already have Carnival/Marid Gras to engage in identity issues. And Judy Garland's birthday.  And the Folsom Street Fair.

Bonfire of the Vanities: Sin Turns Us From God, Confession Turns Us Back


  1. I agree Evi, but you can't fight them by being outraged by their treatment of Christianity. That was their point. The way to fight them is ignore them. That's the other point of the glitter, to get attention. They don't get attention, they lose.

    1. I concur with your sentiments. I probably should just ignore it, but I am not outraged. I find it somewhat telling. I know this is a handful of deluded Episcopals and quasi-Christian communities and sad gay activists that are just attention seeking.

      But ignoring them does make sense.


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