Thursday, July 28, 2016

The Full Rodham: Hillary Clinton gets ready for her big speech

This is not far from the actual truth...

Twitchy: Obama refers to himself 119 times during his speech last night (who is O endorsing again) I have not seen a more self referring speech since Chris Christie "endorsed" Mitt Romney, Katie Pavlich destroys Hillary's deflection about the Russians hacking her emails in three tweets, and #DNCinPhilly: #IAmAFeminist: Hairy Legged Cat Ladies of the World Unite

AoSHQ: The most interesting man in the world!

Deadline: Ouch: DNC ratings fail for Obama
EBL: Trump uses Obama and Clinton's own statements against them, trolling them all day and Ivanka and Chelsea are friends, but they aren't treated the same by the media

Legal Insurrection: #DNCProtest: The real story of Night 3 (what can we expect tonight) and Carlos Danger (also known as Huma's beard) compared Hillary Clinton to Slave Owning White Men (that last bit is from Maetenloch)

Good idea Amanda:  And a good answer from Trump: 
"Crooked Hillary put her emails at risk to foreign hackers"

Salon: Amanda Marcotte gets the sadz saying Obama did not do it last night for Crooked Hillary

Sad! Actually, hilarious! 

Victory Girls: Five similarities between Donald Trump's and Hillary Clinton's convention speeches

Hot Air: Bill DeBlasio shows up and speaks at the DNC the same day the U.S. Attorney in Brooklyn brings more ethics charges against him (isn't that fitting)

NY Post: Rahm Emanuel thrown under the bus at the DNC convention for opposing Obamacare (no speaking spot and mocked)

Wombat: Louder with Crowder: (Talking about narcissists) Young Turks Cenk Uygur goes insane, Twitchy: Wikileaks releases hacked DNC voicemails during primetime of the DNC last night, JWF: Corrupt Clinton getting a negative bounce during DNC convention, and Bloomberg/Megan McArdle: The Dem machine chose Hillary long ago, but why?

Lem's Levity: DNC using seat fillers in its convention?

VodkaPundit: Glad he will miss it tonight!

DaTechGuy: Entitled Hillary?

Wombat: Austin Bay: Tailgunner Hillary and the Putin Hack


  1. That video made me feel like I feel every time I hear her talk.

  2. Q: So, what do you think of legalized Rodhamy?

    A: I don't know, I've never been Rodhamized.


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