A lot of the video links at Twitchy have been blocked by NBC News over copywrite. But let's just say this was not a Sunday morning with hot cinnamon rolls and coffee for Hillary.
Meet The Press has the whole interview available.
About 3/4 of the way in Chuck Todd does a video of Hillary Flip Flops
Hot Air: Madeleine Albright also throws Hillary Clinton under the bus
Michelle Malkin: Bill Clinton says FBI part of Vast Right Wing Conspiracy
Twitchy: Hillary Clinton supporters all spout the same talking points (could they be coordinated)
It can be construed as a bad omen
Instapundit: Chuck Todd's brutal Hillary flip flop video, Yes Hillary broke the law, what's empathy?, Hillary's time line does not match up, and there is only so much lipstick you can put on a razorback
Rush Limbaugh: Clintons are stuck in the 90s
Legal Insurrection: Flip Floppin Away
Instapundit: Chuck Todd's brutal Hillary flip flop video, Yes Hillary broke the law, what's empathy?, Hillary's time line does not match up, and there is only so much lipstick you can put on a razorback
Rush Limbaugh: Clintons are stuck in the 90s
Legal Insurrection: Flip Floppin Away
You want to stop the drip, divorce hi-, I mean, come clean.