Sunday, April 12, 2015

Separated at Birth: Hillary Clinton and...?

Hillary is engaged in her own Game of Thrones:

If only Hillary was as ruthless with foreign enemies than she is with perceived enemies at home...
Is it a coincidence that Hillary announces on the season opener for Game of Thrones?
Legal Insurrection: Team Hillary will not tolerate insubordination or disloyalty

EBL: All In For Hillary, Deb Frisch EditionBuckle Up America, the Clintons Are Back and Hillary to announce White House run?

Instapundit:A break down of every Hillary scandal going ondo we deserve this?, anti-Clinton posts in Las Vegas and New York, why is Hillary even running, Hillary equates gun control opponents to terrorists, and millennial social justice bullies.

Instapundit: the Elle rollout, Clinton Fatigue, and even Salon is not impressed,

InstapunditRoger Simon: No questions please and how does covering up for Jeffrey Epstein's orgy island help women?
TOM: Advanced Feminist Logic: Electing a woman who allowed her husband to go to an orgy island with underaged girls
Regular Right Guy: Hillary pumping gas and Chelsea in Elle Smitty: Seems like @KurtSchlichter does not hold her Majesty in high regard with h/t to Instapundit
Instapundit: Hillary buying millions of twitter and facebook friendsHillary's Chipotle Order, and read stories about Hillary as if she is a robot trying to be more human


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  2. No, she looks like their grandmother.

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