Friday, January 2, 2015

The women of Marco Polo Rule 5

It got bad reviews and it is definitely not Game of Thrones, but (with acknowledging its flaws) 
I liked Marco Polo.  The writing was a bit flat, but the female actors do shine in this series.

Olivia Cheng as Mei Lin

 Shu An Oon as Jing Fei

Claudia Kim as Khutulun 

Rule 5 and FMJRA
Instapundit: China Needs More Women!


  1. Those women work at the restaurant Troop used to patronize?

  2. If they did it explains why he liked going there so much!

    Come to think of it, not much update on Marco Polo. Can he not eat there anymore (that plate he had today was not exactly health food).

  3. "The writing was a bit flat, but the female actors do shine in this series."

    As long as we have our priorities straight...

  4. I thought the series was pretty good. The costumes were fabulous and appeared to be authentic replicas. The women definitely carried the series.

  5. Mei Lin (Olivia Cheng) is hot! Second episode in, I'm hooked!


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