Monday, July 7, 2014

Obama White House and Child Illegal Immigration: Never let a crisis go to waste…

[Secretary Johnson] also suggested that America’s first obligation is to the incoming children, over sovereignty.
“We have to do right by the children,” Johnson said.
American Power: Murrieta, CA officials throw illegal immigration protestors under the bus… 
Protein Wisdom: Democrats hate to waste a crisis that they worked so hard to create…
Hot Air: Obama going in big on Amnesty (executive privilege and pardon baby...)
Major Garrett/National Journal: Obama's Immigration Independence Day

TOM: Presidential Imperialism (this image from Instapundit seems to fit)
Protein Wisdom: Where Obama/feds are looking to relocate border surgers...
Mickey Kaus: The President is Pissed!  Instapundit links and also notes the cavalier attitude of the President
Wombat : Obama holding off on deportations of illegals crossing the border…
TOM: They Are Not Going Back
Protein Wisdom: Murrieta never contacted by Feds before illegals dumped there…
TOM: Obama fails again...
Instapundit: Is Obama just a hapless putz?


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