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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Obama White House accuses soldiers who served with Bergdahl of "Swift Boating" him!


  1. I'm really starting to wonder who is forcing this man's hand for him to give us all the finger so.

  2. "Swiftboating" means that people with good reputations, who were there, and who have nothing to gain by lying, tell the truth about you. It's hard to use that as a defense.

  3. In the case of "swiftboating" Kerry, it just meant telling the truth about his miserable military record, so... that much is the same! I wonder what the White House attributes their motives to? Keeping Bergdahl out of the White House??

  4. Swift boating was going to be up there with sexist, racist, and homophobic.

    Guess not.


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