Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Separated by a Book: Khalid Sheik Mohammed and...?

Duck Commander Phil Robertson
Khalid Sheik Mohammed and...

Khalid Sheik Mohammed
“If God said no adultery or no sexual contact without a marriage contract between man and woman, the Westerner’s God says men and women are free to do whatever they want to do,” he claims.
“A mother can even lie with her son and they can issue a marriage certificate for them if the majority in Congress or Parliament agrees to such a thing. Or a man can marry a man or a woman can marry a woman, but by God’s laws, these acts are considered social crimes and it will cause unhappiness in their life, it breaks their families and at the end it will break the whole society.”
I do not oppose same sex marriage, in a civil sense, even though I do not recognize same sex marriage to be the equivalent of traditional marriage (I guess that makes me a H8er, but hey, so are gays who call straight people "breeders," get over it).  But pass it democratically (by convincing a plurality of citizens it is an appropriate thing to do) rather than imposing it under 19th century equal protection clauses (which is complete nonsense and not what those clauses were written for). But in a sense KSM is correct about how Democracy works in defining legally recognized relationships. That is how it generally works in the West (although we were heavily influenced by the Bible in the past because it was the book that the vast majority of voters followed). I am glad KSM had started to denounce violence (he is not there yet).  In his own mind he is a righteous man because he follows the Koran (he is in fact an evil twisted man and until he admits his murderous ways are wrong and he accepts responsibility for them he has really not denounced violence). Ultimately what doomed KSM is he followed an interpretation of Islam that focuses on conversion by the sword rather than by persuasion.

And strangely enough many who denounce Phil Robertson think he is the equivalent of KSM, because he had the audacity to believe the Bible to be the word of God and a blueprint for how to live one's life.  Phil Robertson follows the teachings of Jesus, who preached non violence, forgiveness and personal responsibility.  And KSM follows the teaching of Mohammed.

Some Gay Men Like Beards too...
And of course there are those in the gay mafia who follow their sexual desires and demand the rest of us show them respect (without giving it back in return). That is the part that is breaking society. While they think "marriage equality" will make everything alright for them, it probably will not. There is something fundamentally wrong with many homosexual relationships. I say that from observation.  Hey, I am sure some are great.  Good for them. And obviously there are plenty of heterosexual unions that are less than perfect. Gays are separated by a book too, since Jesus said he came to fulfill the law, not replace it.

Here is a good question, why was violence in The Passion of the Christ denounced, but celebrated in 12 Years A Slave?  


  1. Replies
    1. That Phil Robertson and KSM have anything more in common than a beard.

    2. You missed it (go back and look what I wrote). They are separated by a book, namely KSM follows the false death cult interpretation of the Koran that constitutes Islam today and Phil Robertson is a peaceful God fearing Christian who follows the New Testament.


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