Thursday, December 19, 2013

Separated at Birth: Obamacare's Pajama Boy and...?

Girls forget about George ClooneyTOM notes that the Democrat ideal of masculinity has devolved a bit:

Sooper Mexican's Pajama Boy and Rachel Maddow is a pretty darn good separated at birth:
But here is my suggested alternative separated at birth...

Obamacare's Pajama Boy and...
It's Pat!

Even MSNBC is laughing at this effort by the White House...

TOM: Real men save lives while Pajama Boy sips cocoa...
TOM: This South Sudan thing is starting to look serious...
Smitty: World Youngest Blogger sides with Phil...


  1. Hell, put Choomie's head in the pic and be done with it.

    It's probably what he's wanted to be all his life, anyway.

  2. Also, Chris Hayes and Ezra Klein.

    Which raises the old nature vs. nurture question: Are "progressive" "men" Dems b/c they're so beta, or do they become so beta from being Dems?


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