Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Noah Feldman declares: Nelson Mandela Sold Out Black South Africans

Noah Feldman is of course being intentionally provocative with this article to get attention:
Was Mandela right to sacrifice justice for the chance of a richer and more democratic South Africa? The question of his heroic status depends on the answer. Looking at the career of Yasser Arafat, who consistently made a different choice, inclines one to think that the answer is yes. A politician shouldn't act on what is absolutely fair, but what is pragmatically most likely to succeed in the real world.
Yet, as we mourn Mandela, it is also worth remembering that, like almost all constitutions, South Africa's founding pact was born in the sin of compromise. Compromise is sin because people don't get what they deserve. But that sin is necessary, because after it's committed, people are better off than they would be without it.
F.W. de Klerk and Nelson Mandela
Without buying into the hyperbolic title, I agree with the analysis in a broad sense. There was an agreement to not engage in reparations as part of the agreement of ending Apartheid.  That required compromise.  And had the black majority engaged in typical kleptocracy as other African countries had done, there would have been a violent civil war, flight of capitol, and most South Africans would have been far worse off.  And as we know, Yasser Arafat and the Palestinians are known for never missing an opportunity to miss an opportunity. And that has certainly not worked out well for the Palestinians.  
Noah Feldman: Full of himself?
Noah Feldman also describes how the Tea Party will die. We will see about that. I do not agree with his analysis (the problem is not the Tea Party but the Establishment Republicans), but there it is.

But beyond that, is it me or is Noah Feldman a schmuck?  Noah Feldman had a public falling out with his conservative Jewish school by marrying an Korean woman.

That sort of thing happens--it is not racist (to Koreans or any other group) but preservation of Jewish identity. If you are going to marry a non-Jew, if you are Conservative Jew you better make sure they convert and adopt the principals of the faith or face the consequences. Or adopt their faith and recognize that you are no longer Jewish (in the eyes of Observant Jews).  Of course, he also later got divorced.  

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