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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Do you have problems sleeping or snoring? You may need continuous positive airway pressure, CPAP

This is not CPAP
Hey, I recognize no one is big on wearing a mask at night (well, except for special occasions).  But CPAP, if you need it, is a very good thing.  If you have sleep apnea, you are not getting good sleep (so you are not getting rested), you are damaging your pulmonary system (heart and lungs) and possibly depriving your brain of oxygen.  You are probably snoring and waking your partner too. Focus on the benefits.

CPAP may not be sexy, but can improve your sex life...

That is not a CPAP either...
This is a CPAP (okay it is not that much different than the masks above...)

This is a CPAP too

And this...

And this...

Did I mention using a CPAP may improve your sex life?


  1. Mommy mommy mommy -- baby wants to sleep!

  2. Frank is huffing amyl nitrate which used to be known as "poppers." I see about 3 or 4 great blog posts here.

    What do you see?

  3. Replies
    1. At first they seem to an uncomfortable thing, but once you are asleep and not going into apnea or snoring, you just don't care anymore. They are that good and they are getting better and becoming more self contained and smaller as technology gets better.

  4. Not if The Blonde says the noise will make her sleep in another room.

    1. The snoring is much louder than the CPAP, they are quite silent.

  5. When the alternative is a death mask, adjustments are easier than they appear, for partner and mask wearer. CPAPs save, restore and extend life.


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