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Thursday, September 12, 2013

Ace asks an important question about Republicans...


  1. The Whigs have made common cause with the demos to neutralize the Tea Party.

    They tried this in the 1850s. too.

  2. The National GOP is (still) dividing itself. I recently received a questionnaire from them, and among the first questions were:

    You are ? Pick One ...

    o Conservative Republican
    o Tea Party Member

    Then ... several others ranging from moderate to conservative on fiscal and social issues.

    Apparently you cannot be both of the first two cited here.

    I think I mentioned this quiz elsewhere recently. I tore mine up and threw it out.

    1. Conservative Republican and Tea Party are not mutually exclusive, there is a lot of overlap there (think Jim DeMint vs. Rand Paul).

      RINO and Tea Party are not the same.

    2. I agree with the overlap part, but apparently the Nation GOP does NOt agree.

      My point was and is that on a Republican National Committee questionaire, sent out with cover letter by Reince Priebus, they make the distinction between "Conservative" and "Tea Party" by their either/or pick one option. I am fucking both...so I tore it up and said fuck them.

      Oh, I "get" RINO's...here in Michigan we may, maybe, we'll see down the road, etc...actually have a "Republican" governor now. A first in decades, in my lifetime actually. Maybe.

      Normally GOP here = RINO, or even worse. GOP here is why I was a Democrat until bullshitter John Kerry was nominated. Michigan's longest serving GOP governor was also the heaviest taxing governor ever, introduced a permanent income tax of 4.6% from a temporary (snicker, hee hee) 2.4% introduced by his also GOP predecessor. Permanent beats temporary and double the rate does too...in any RINO's book. THEN ...the RINO prick added a unmoderated Value Added Tax (the SBT) on all businesses, with NO pass through credits...e.g., you owe even in loss years with no loss carry forward. There were also no delineation of the VAT on receipts ... no need since no credits allowed.

      The new guy has dumped the SBT. We'll see how he does with everything else.


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