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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The New York Times questions the Clintons about their Foundation?


  1. Hillary! can't run anything because she never has.

    She's the female Choom.

  2. 2016 will be "her turn" at identity politics. The Democrat Party will do this, rinse and repeat, until they and their moneybags learn that the person in charge is not just someone who "looks like America" but is somebody who can lead and inspire. I'd put the odds at her winning pretty high though, because we truly are that lost.

  3. BTW, I'm boycotting Lem's place until he moves Titus off the front page.

    1. Many people think Titus is hysterically funny no matter whether he's real or parody. I just don't think he's funny.

    2. Fuck! I just read the thread you're referring to as "front page." He quoted verbatim the bigoted remark from the prior thread that I commented on. What is Lem thinking?

    3. I don't give two shits about Titus.

    4. I think Titus is a figment of someone's imagination, used to amuse himself (or herself) by being outrageous. Pastafarian called it fairly well at the end of the thread. Bullshitters usually slip up in dialog eventually...the BMW328Xi was the slip this time, for someone who alleges their wealth is immense...that is an entry level Beamer equivalent, as Pastafarian said, to a 1975 Chevy Nova. A 328Xi costs less than a fully equipped Chevy Malibu or Impala today. Nice cars, but not head turners, if you know what I mean.

  4. Back on topic, Hillary is a grifter, just like her hubby. They both know how to milk money from associates and still operate the foundation at a loss, but do remarkably well personally.

    1. As they say, "The Clintons only have rich friends".

  5. Pet peeve: A president runs the executive branch of the federal government, not "the country." The idea that a president can or should "run the country" is all too widespread, IMO, w/o right-thinkers saying it.

    1. I'd like to see Congress reassert more power to counter the executive branch. Mid-terms are coming up soon enough and all people can talk about is the 2016 election. The downside of mid-term elections is all the interstate meddling that people do these day--sending money to this or that key congressional race from out of state, usually based on some litmus issue: "Oh, so-and-so is for or against abortion or gay marriage over there -- let's attack!" That's what I dread.

    2. President isn't supposed to "run the country" but this one is doing it. Congress is emasculated and budget-less, the courts are intimidated and fear being ignored, and Dept of Justice will enforce nothing it isn't in the mood to pursue. So...what is left but the de-facto autocracy we have today?

    3. I didn't make myself clear enough...we have three branches of government, and a fourth entity called the electorate. It is the electorate that keeps, or fails to keep, the three branches in compliance with the Constitution. This has always been our fragile nature.

    4. Chip is absolutely correct. My bad. The President does not run the country. But the President has to get out of the way of those who do. That is good Presidential leadership, knowing where he or she should act and where he or she should not.

    5. Hey, it's a widespread usage. The trouble is, lefties really seem to believe it. As you said, Evi, letting the country run itself is usually an excellent idea.

    6. I agree with both (EBL & Chip S) of you...but I stand by my comments at 7:08 and 7:11 yesterday. I am concerned that we, the electorate, may not be able to force things back in to place. I'm not losing sleep over it, but my cynicism and skepticism grows greater every day.

      The word "incumbent" has almost reached the same standing as "leper" in my thinking. Included within "incumbency" is everyone in government, elected or appointed above the civil service grades of GS-01 to GS-15, or military grades Private E-1 to Colonel O-6.

      I earned my attitude by being military and a "Fed" subsequently...as I've said elsewhere, the first time I was "ordered" to lie in furtherance of a senior rank's personal ambition was in 1969. It wears on you when you are trying to be the best you can be otherwise.

    7. Too often the word isn't, "incumbent", it's "incompetent" .


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