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Friday, July 26, 2013

Separated at Birth: Shylock seeking his pound of flesh and...?

Shylock from the Merchant of Venice...

Larry the Grifter

Actually this is unfair to Shylock.


  1. That's a bit mean - Shylock was a freakin' angel compared to that shithead Meade.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. EBL...You are too kind to "Larry", he's a grifter just like Trooper said.

    Plus...help me, I do not understand Lem's mea culpa tonight on "Comment Home's" open thread. WTF? Did I miss something? There or at TOP? Or am I just "thick?"

    PS: I'd email him but in the past he's not responded with more than two words, if at all.

    1. I agree about Larry being a grifter. I did not understand the thing with Lem either. I meant what I said.

    2. You are not thick, it was not prompted by anything I saw.

    3. Thanks. He later said he was "messing" with us. Not too certain I believe that, but I will take him at his word. Earlier and elsewhere some others hinted at personal issues I wouldn't pursue ... it is not my business, and I am powerless to intervene in virtual anonymity. I just want Lem and his compatriots to succeed in sustaining a "comments are important" place....where an unadorned seed is tossed up and then taken up by myriad voices...like B3K on "forgiveness" yesterday.

      One thing he said was about taking on the blog. It is a group blog now, with multiple contributors, and he can delegate any number of them as ax swingers [admins] and moderators du hour...at least as far as I know. the group blog I'm part of as contributor has 14 of us, and 2 or 3 of them have admin authority, as far as I know anyway.

      Am I wrong about Blogger allowing multiple admins? I am sure ours has one Elect Engineer and one Reg Nurse doing the scut work interchangeably...and one more I can't remember who at the moment.

      I will be the first to admit you, Lem, many others are doing something as blogging principals that I doubt strongly I could do beyond the small group I'm part of now. I am way too prone to anger, which reveals traits, both good and bad, that I normally don't wave in the wind, so to speak.

      In short, I'm lazy I guess. Epistle ended. :-)

    4. I am pretty sure you can have multiple administrators on Blogger.


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