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Saturday, April 6, 2013

A complaint over this movie resulted in an emergency security landing of an aircraft?

I do not think parents complaining about a movie like this on a regular air flight is out of hand.  I would not want little kids watching this either (normally they pick the most unoffensive and usually boring movies for general viewing on flights to avoid this sort of conflict).  But all these parents reportedly did was politely complain.  So what?

If these facts play out as reported, this airline pilot should be fired.

Update:  Instapundit asks what is the pilot's name?  

h/t: Althouse


  1. I was bogarted to watch this movie. It wasn't good -- not at all. I fell asleep. And to think that if I was airborne, I could have woken up on the ground in Poughkeepsie, being tossed out of the airplane on an emergency slide.


  2. At the rate things are going it will be illegal to criticize or question the government.

    I feel ashamed of the majority of Americans letting this happen for a false sense of security.

    1. It is complete BS when you can't make a legitimate complaint.

  3. The filmmaker went on record that he never intended the movie for 4 year olds and also thought it inappropriate for United to approve this for general viewing.

  4. My conspiracy theory says this is a creeping Hunger Games mentality: Panem residents forcing kids to watch violence. Of course, United could "replace" the doofus who picked this movie and close the complaint.


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