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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Some great news from Iowa

Drew M at Ace of Spades has this sweet bit of news:  The Des Moines Register endorses Mitt Romney and slaps around Barack Obama too:
The nation has struggled to recover from recession for the past 40 months. Still, the economy is growing at an unacceptably anemic rate of around 2 percent a year and could slip back into recession depending on what happens in the European Union and China.  
The workforce is still 4.5 million jobs short of the nearly 9 million that were lost in the recession. Longer term, looming deficits driven by Social Security and Medicare pose the single greatest threats to the nation’s economic security. 
The president’s best efforts to resuscitate the stumbling economy have fallen short. Nothing indicates it would change with a second term in the White House. 
The president’s prescription upon entering office was a dose of government stimulus, which was the right call because it put cash in the pockets of consumers, made investments in vital infrastructure and kept millions of teachers and police officers on the job. 
That stimulus was necessary to bridge the nation from recession to recovery, but the time is past for more government stimulus. 
Consumers must feel more confident about their own economic futures to begin spending on the products and services that power the economy. A renewed sense of confidence will spark renewed investment by American companies. Industry will return to full production and hiring will begin again. 
That should come with Mitt Romney in the White House.
And this tweet from Obama's Iowa Communications Director (a few minutes before the endorsement) is some great Schadenfreude icing to this story:
John Nolte notes Barack Obama's response:

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