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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Obama Administrations' Stephanie Cutter actually states: The only reason Libya is an issue is because of Romney and Ryan...

Oh really Stephanie?  Is that the White House position on this?  That it is reckless for Romney and Ryan to even bring this issue up?  I thought the reason that Libya was an issue was because al Qaeda killed our Ambassador and three other Americans in a U.S. consulate house on the anniversary of September 11.  How is this not relevant in a presidential election or as a matter of national interest?

And someone killed an American State Department workers today in Yemen.  Which just happens to be the eve of the anniversary of the bombing of the USS Cole.  Must have been that video again.

The Obama Administration thought getting Chevy Volts to the Embassy in Austria a bigger deal than maintaining security in Libya.  And then the Obama Administration lied to the mother of slain former SEAL Sean Smith killed in Benghazi.

Ace suggests she will be fired for saying something so dumb.  I am not so sure the Administration will do so (although they certainly should) hoping this insane statement is not noticed.

Mediate recognizes this is very bad for the Obama Administration.

In case you haven’t seen the video, watch it. Drink it in. Obama campaign Deputy Communications Director Stephanie Cutter, in a craven and flailing attempt to salvage the White House’s ebbing credibility surrounding their response to the 9/11/12 attacks in Libya, said that it was her estimation that the attacks were only an issue because Mitt Romney andPaul Ryan made it one. 
In effect, Cutter said that this attack, one of the most comprehensive and successful Al Qaeda attacks on American assets since September 11, 20001 in which an American ambassador overseas was killed for the first time since the Carter administration, was only on the media’s radar because it is an election year. Stephanie Cutter has just provided Mitt Romney a stronger argument against President Barack Obama’s handling of foreign affairs he could have hoped for. In a single bound, Cutter revealed the administration’s thinking about how to respond to this deadly attack – it is not about American security, it is about politics. Fair or not, that is how Romney will frame Cutter’s glib remark.


  1. The Obama Administration is doomed.

  2. In a sense, she is right. The MSM sure as hell isn't going to dwell on anything that sheds their messiah in a negative light. The MSM spent more time fretting about Romney's remarks than they did about the event.

    She's still a lying sack of shit who works for a lying sack of shit.

  3. The REASON that the Obama White House lied was because one victory Obama planned to claim as his trump card was the elimination of Usama bin Laden and Al Qaeda. If it was a reaction to a video that nobody saw, he could trumpet his victory. The truth, however, was a very different thing and now the White House is embarrassed.

    But where is Hillary Clinton? I'm sure that she plans to keep her resume intact for her run for president in four years.


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