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Friday, August 11, 2023

The (Democrat) Fix Is In: David Weiss Appointed Special Counsel for Hunter Biden


David Weiss appointed special counsel to investigate provide cover for Hunter Biden

As Ace notes, this is more of a scam to protect Weiss from being brought in front of Congress. As Legal Insurrection notes, Weiss is the same guy who tried to sneak through a sweet heart deal for Hunter Biden.

And don't fall for the media/Democrat refrain on how David Weiss was "appointed by Trump." Anyone saying this is actively trying to mislead you. 

Trump while president rubber stampted Weiss as Delaware Assistant Attorney General since he was recommented by Delaware's two Democrat Senators (that is the typical case for most modern Presidents). Weiss was later appointed by Biden when Biden took office as Preisdent. 

One of Biden's long time aides worked for Weiss during the Hunter Biden investigation.  Weiss is not going to be a hatchet man, he about using a shovel to cover this up.  

AoSHQ: Morning Report 08.11.23 and David Weiss appointed as special counsel

Instapundit: Two major problems with Weiss as special counsel

TOM : When the ‘Investigation’ Is a Cover-Up

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