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Thursday, August 17, 2023

Sorry Maui 🔥, Biden and the Democrats Are Just Not That Into You...


We know the fires in Maui were not due to climate change, but really inadequate preparation by local officials and the electrical utility there. Tinder dry summer conditions (and a complete failure of brush control), high winds coming off the mountains (and from an off shore hurricane), and an energized power system that sparks = disaster.  

Disaster relief after the fact also sucks. The Biden Administration is very generous (with your money) sending more billions in aid to Ukraine, but for Hawaii...not so much.  

Locals are also finding that insurance companies are already stiffing them on claims. And carpet baggers (mostly big lefties) are offering cash payments to buy out locals. Oprah, Zuckerberg, and Larry Ellison are big private land owners in Hawaii. It is bargain time for them!  

Dept. Director of Water Commission, M. Kaleo Manuel, denied water release during fires?  

EBL: Lahaina Maui Fire 😢🌳🔥🚒

AoSHQ: Morning Report 08.17.23 and Hawaii power utility has "other" priorities than maintenance

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