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Thursday, July 13, 2023

I refuse to join a club that would have me as a member...

I refuse to join a club that would have me Ukraine as a member...We sure as hell do not want Ukraine as a member of NATO. Heck, we should be thinking when the USA can leave NATO (and if that results in it debanding, so be it). 

I like countries like Poland and the Baltic States, and appreciate Finland and Sweden joining (because they contribute to an alliance). Germany and France, however, are not doing enough. Turkey can't be trusted with Erdogan in charge. While I am no fan of Putin's aggression, Ukrainan leadership is a corrupt basket case.  

1 comment:

  1. I'm old cold war retired solder that enjoys Russians and their equipment being destroyed. It will take the Russian bastards 30 years to make up the lose in equipment.


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