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Saturday, September 1, 2018

The Privilege Race

I do not know the set up for this video, but let's assume for argument sake it was a fair cross section of people. Some of those questions posed are profound (mother and father together, father figure in family, access to good schools) some trivial (such as paying for a cell phone)--but the real profound question raised is video is why the discrepancy between these kids? I can think of one big factor that has played a role: The policy incentives of Lyndon Johnson's War on Poverty have in reality been a war on families.  It has been a social experiment going on for fifty years and the outcome has been a catastrophe for the people it was meant to help.  

It is not a "white" thing. What about Asian privilege?  What about West Indie privilege?  I would suggest that the factor for success in those groups is having strong families. Reciprocally, white culture, where the family structure breaks down, results (for the most part) in very bad outcomes.  

Economics of course play a role. A bad economy puts strains on families and can contribute to disintegration. But strong families are better at riding downturns and dysfunctional families will often continue to fail even when things are going well.    

Families succeed when they rely on each other to raise self reliant strong children. A child who had parents who stuck together and raised him or her should not feel guilty for that, but thankful. If you were blessed with a strong family that supported you, by all means share that success with others less fortunate. But rather than attempting to make the children of successful families feel guilty for doing well, maybe we should be all addressing the social issues that make this disparity happen to different groups. Hint: It is not racism, at least not as racism is currently defined by leftists and the media.  


  1. IQ.. reasons for different outcomes are hidden in plain sight.

    1. I do not buy it (Andrew Sullivan pushes that argument).

  2. To draw a correlation from Jews (which is a small community) to racial groups as a whole is highly flawed. Did I argue success was caused by wealth? We have seen plenty of successful individuals have children who fail miserably despite plenty of wealth. It is driven by family and upbringing. Jewish, Asian and European success is driven more by family than anything else. No doubt heredity and genes play a role on intelligence, certainly on an individual level, but to paint broad strokes over an entire race is foolish.

    IQ is not the biggest factor for wealth attainment (although being smart certainly helps), self control, hard work, and discipline are. Obtaining wealth, in itself, is not a virtue. You say some of the smartest people are the biggest criminals, but most criminals are those who take shortcuts and lack self control.


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