Friday, September 21, 2018

Maria Elvira Salazar (R-FL)

Not all CNN commentators are bad. Maria Elvira Salazar is running as a Republican against a Clinton hack. If you live in her district, vote for her. If you don't, contribute if you can.

Remember, you don't want Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House!

Rule 5 and FMJRA

Minuteman: Rule 5 Stems

Woodsterman: Fun, Fun, Fun

The Daley Gator: Lurch is Stupid

Wired Right: Today's Selfie Babe Pick

Goodstuffs Cyber World: 248th  Edition

A View from the Beach: Free Swim Friday

The Right Way: Rule 5 Saturday Link Around

Political Clown Parade: Flowing Curves Of Beauty

By Other Means: Tuesday Tap, Rack, and Bang and Seeing Red

The Feral Irishman: Friday Femme Fatale and I Dream Of Jeannie

AoSHQ: European Radicalism Comes To Polite Society in America

Animal Magnetism: Why Socialism Fails Rule 5 Friday & Gingermageddon

Diogenes Middle Finger News : A Good Monday Morning and Fishnet Friday

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: Hot Pick, Girls With Guns, and Morning Mistress

Knuckledraggin My Life Away : I’m sure she’s taken, men and I’ll leave you with this

The Pirates Cove: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pin UpIf All You See Is..., and Look, its good for you!

Reason: Libertarian Debate: Should bakers be forced  by the state to make cakes for gay weddings?

Proof Positive: Best of WebFriday Night Babe - Jenny Slate and Vintage Babe of the week, and Medal of Honor

American Power: The US Financial Crisis Ten Years OldJulie Salazar Post TruthKatie HolmesEmily Ratakowski

Instapundit: The Creepy LineRichard FernandezThe casual tyranny of self-righteousnessKavanaugh Cock and Bull Stories (aka lies), The Socialist "It" Girl (America's Evita)

Rush Limbaugh: Why doesn't Trump declassify FISA documentsPushing back against all the liesKavanaugh story takes a despicable turn (by the media and Democrats), The Sheer Stupidity of Jerry BrownGoogle Alternatives

TOM: In The Mailbox 09.21.18What does 'credible' mean?Analysis: TrueGoodbye Blue WaveCan the GOP win this Kavanaugh Fight? (yes, hold the line), Campus fun and riots in AustraliaFake Hate, Fake VictimJudge Kavanaugh Doubles DownTrauma Queen: What do we know about Christin Blasey Ford?Memories Light The Corners of My MindAmazon's Digital Fahrenheit 451Democrats' Sleaziest Smear in their long history of Sleazy SmearsIn The Mailbox 09.14.18Surprised? Obama's 'Gender Integration' Is Wrecking The U.S. Military...Tiffany Network: Get Woke, Go BrokeAnother 'Red Pill' ExitFlorida Woman,

A collection of sites known for appreciation of Rule 5 and helping Republicans and resisting the blue wave:

Dust bury
Theo Spark
Daily Gator
O.K. Corral
Daily Caller
Wired Right
Pirate's Cove
Proof Positive
The Right Way
Blazing Cat Fur
MissK's World...
By Other Means
American Power
Irons In The Fire
Guns and Bikinis
Raconteur Report
Angrymikes hood
The Last Tradition
Adrienne's Corner
The Feral Irishman
Camp of the Saints
Animal Magnatism
Maggie's Notebook
The Classic Liberal
The Rio Norte Line
Randy's Roundtable
A Nod To The Gods
Small Dead Animals
Grouchy Old Cripple
Raised On Hoe Cakes
Political Clown Parade
24 Femmes Per Second
The Vulgar Curmudgeon
A View From The Beach
Diogenes' Middle Finger
Your Crazy Uncle Bubba
Old Retired Petty Officer
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
Knuckledraggin My Life Away
In a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World

1 comment:

  1. She could bring a much-needed female perspective to the defense against socialism coming from the open sewers. And her obvious telegenic properties are potential weapons as well.


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