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Saturday, August 18, 2018

Why no social justice outrage over a rapist doctor sentenced to no jail time?

Why no social media outrage over this exceedingly light criminal sentence? Why aren't the public calling for the prosecutor and judge to be recalled as in the Brock Turner case?  What Shafeeq Sheikh did, as a medical doctor, is far worse than what drunken Brock Turner did. I am not excusing Mr. Turner's behavior, but a doctor raping a patient in a clinical setting under sedation is so much worse than a drunk student taking advantage of a drunk female guest at a party.

The victim of Shafeeq Sheikh was Latina. But Texas is unusual in the jury gets to impose the sentence. Both the victim and accused testified. In this case the jury opted for probation only (and the jury got to see racy photos from the victim's Instagram account--which is unusual). Sheikh's defense was the sex was consensual, but he also resisted the investigation until DNA was obtained from him by subpoena.

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TOM: In The Mailbox 08.23.18: EBL: #MeToo – Famous Lefty Opera Couple Accused Of Rape, Weasel Zippers: Attorney For Tibbetts Murderer Claims He’s An “All-American Boy” With No Past Record, and Mark Steyn: That Dress, Twenty Years On

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