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Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Westminster Terror Attack

Public Radio International: Suspected Terror Attack 

I wonder what motivated this?

Update: TOM: Sudanese Immigrant Identified

Telegraph: Westminster Automobile Terror Attack

Independent: Parliament Car Attack: Focus Turns to Terror Suspect

AoSHQ: New Mexico Judge frees Jihadi terrorists (alleged) on a signature (what could go wrong with that) and Media has a hissy hit when Donald Trump calls a terror attack a terror attack...

Instapundit: CNN FailOutside of the violence, those Antifa protests were peaceful...

EBL: How Jim Acosta sees himself...

Twitchy: This Is CNN

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, it was unfortunate news to hear moments after getting a business trip to London approved. And visiting Parliament is exactly one of the things I'm hoping to do while there.


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