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Tuesday, August 21, 2018

SJWs, Jamaican Me Crazy!

Jaime Oliver is an annoying celebrity chef, but to claim his promoting a Jamaican "punchy jerk rice recipe" is cultural appropriation is nonsense. Well, it is not completely nonsense, given Jamaican jerk cuisine is a blend of many difference cultural influences (lots of European influences too). 

But what is nonsense is saying only certain people can do jerk cuisine. That is like saying a black man can't be James Bond. There are lots of Jamaicans in Great Britain, so of course it has had an influence there.  That is not a necessarily a bad thing (in general).  

That said, it is perfectly fine to trash Jamie Oliver's recipe for being lame and unfavorable. I have not tried it yet, but Oliver also apparently misses that the "jerk" part of Jamaican cuisine is in the meat barbecue, not simply adding Caribbean spice rub to the rice. But if Jamie managed to make a recipe that involved Jamaican techniques and spices that tasted good, of course I would make it. I love cooking when it is done right.   

Here's a Jamie Oliver quote:
“A sampler of England's hottest 'chefs' would include a mostly hairless young blond lad named Jamie Oliver, who is referred to as the Naked Chef. As best as I can comprehend, he's a really rich guy who pretends he scoots around on a Vespa, hangs out in some East End cold-water flat, and cooks green curry for his 'mates'. He's a TV chef, so few actually eat his food. I've never seen him naked. I believe the 'Naked' refers to his 'simple, straightforward, unadorned' food; though I gather that a great number of matronly housewives would like to believe otherwise. Every time I watch his show, I want to go back in time and bully him at school.”
Anthony Bourdain, A Cook's Tour: Global Adventures in Extreme Cuisines
Great cuisines adopt flavors, spices and techniques all the time. That is what makes them exciting and interesting. 

Red Stripes, ganga, both?  

Rule 5 and FMJRA

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A collection of sites known for appreciation of Rule 5 and world cusine...

Dust bury
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Daily Gator
O.K. Corral
Daily Caller
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Pirate's Cove
Proof Positive
The Right Way
Blazing Cat Fur
MissK's World...
By Other Means
American Power
Irons In The Fire
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Raconteur Report
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The Last Tradition
Adrienne's Corner
The Feral Irishman
Camp of the Saints
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Maggie's Notebook
The Classic Liberal
The Rio Norte Line
Randy's Roundtable
A Nod To The Gods
Grouchy Old Cripple
Small Dead Animals
Political Clown Parade
24 Femmes Per Second
The Vulgar Curmudgeon
A View From The Beach
Diogenes' Middle Finger
Your Crazy Uncle Bubba
Old Retired Petty Officer
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
Knuckledraggin My Life Away
In a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World


  1. Where did Jamaican's learn to make beer? Did the native American's make beer?

    1. Actually, they did. The Apaches were famous for a beer brewed from corn called tiswin.

  2. You know you're in Jamaica, mon, when all you see is Red Stripe signs.


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