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Friday, August 17, 2018

Rome: You Have A Problem...

If Pope Francis wants to save the Church, he needs to act definitively. While not all accusations are true, many of these definitely are. After reviewing the evidence, assuming it is substantive, he should defrock and refuse to support and defend Cardinals, Bishops, and Priests who engaged in or covered up such heinous behavior. Individuals can be forgiven, but they can't be part of Church leadership.

This is not limited to Pennsylvania. There have been collapses in faith in Ireland, Australia, Massachusetts, South America, and elsewhere in the world in the wake of such scandals. This is a gangrene in the body of the Church, the only way to deal with it is to cut it away.  

Sexual abuse of children (sadly) happens in all institutions, both secular and religious. All institutions need to be on the look out for it to prevent it and minimize it. Statistically the Catholic Church priesthood and laity are not more prone to it than other organizations. But this is a case where the scandal (beyond the abuse itself) is the cover up. That cannot stand anymore. There must be zero tolerance for that.  

Francis of Assisi had a vision to rebuild the church. At first he thought it was about the modest ruin of a church near his home that he was praying in. What it was really about was rebuilding the Catholic Church as a whole. His name sake better start rebuilding his church, or the damage will be catastrophic. 

TOM: More News about 'Rape Culture' , Godless Commies: 'The Concealed Menance' That We Are All Fighting, and In The Mailbox 08.17.18: Mark Steyn: The Constitutional Right To A Security Clearance

Legal Insurrection: Good first step, now demote the cardinals and bishops involved...

Blazing Cat Fur: Catholic Church Scandal: Thoughts on the unthinkable

Pope Issues Letter to Catholics Condemning Sexual Abuse...

Guardian:  More than 300 priests in Pennsylvania accused

National Review: Time to cleanse the Temple

Powerline: The Crisis in the Catholic Church

Parishioners close wallets...



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