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Friday, August 31, 2018

Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin raise US flag on moon

No Ryan, they did not place a UN Flag...

I am glad they are doing a movie about Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and the first Lunar landing. The Apollo missions were peaceful and not about territorial claims, but credit where credit is due--it was a United States funded mission. While I support looking back at this mission (and just how dangerous and amazing it was), this bit of historic revisionism is off putting infuriating.

Astro Bob: You can still see those flags on the moon (with a big telescope and the right resolution)

Legal Insurrection: How do you omit one of the most iconic moments in history?

Powerline: Liberals don't like AmericaRevising History, Moon Landing

Victory Girls: Hollywood disses American effort in Lunar Landings

Mark Steyn: Lie Me To The Moon and The Lost Frontier

Daily Mail: Buzz Aldrin blasts back at film


Nice touch Senator Marco on the use of lunacy in context:  

Instapundit: Jim Treacher: Hollywood Redacted and Hollywood does a Neil Armstrong movie, leaves out the flag raising

TOM: Back to School Labor Day Book Post and In The Mailbox 08.31.18: Twitchy: Chuck Yeager Pulls No Punches About Hollywood’s Depiction Of Neil Armstrong’s Lunar Landing Moment


  1. Offputting? Not to me.
    Infuriating is more accurate.

    1. It is a combination of pandering to the Chinese movie market and Hollywood's typical reaction that anything "American" needs to be taken down a notch.


I welcome all legitimate comments. Keep it civil. Spam will be deleted. Thanks.