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Saturday, August 25, 2018

John McCain RIP


Powerline: Faith Of His Fathers

Victory Girls: Meghan McCain Shines

Blazing Cat Fur: John McCain Is Dead

Proof Positive: John Donne and McCain

Legal Insurrection: John McCain Has Died


AoSHQ: Stay Golden, Pony Boy John McCain

Camp Of The Saints: Speaking Ill Of The Living

EBL: Trial by Fire: A Carrier Fights For Her Life

Reason: John McCain, Senate's most influential hawk, is dead

Hot Air: McCain, literally under fire and John McCain, dead at eight-one

Rush Limbaugh: Drive-bys honor their man McCainMcCain's 2008 meeting with Russian Oligarch

TOM: RIP, Senator John McCain, Trey Gowdy Well Worth Listening To, and Every Liberal's Favorite Republican and Bi-Partisan Myth, In The Mailbox 08.27.18: Mark Steyn: The Spiller Spilled, also, Odd Couples Of The Obituary Page

Instapundit: NYT: the only good republican is a dead republicanMcCain says Obama responsible for Orlando massacreWhat McCain KnewThe good, the bad, the uglyMcCain died of the same cancer as Ted Kennedy, 9 years later on the same dayThe hypocrisy of the past, Treacher responds to OnionJohn McCain's Passing and John McCain Has Died

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