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Friday, August 10, 2018

Horizon Air Q400 Stolen From SeaTac Airport? Flying around rogue? Reportedly crashed?

No passengers are believed to be on the stolen aircraft, but it was allegedly buzzing Mount Rainier and the man who stole it was threatening to do barrel rolls. The area around SeaTac is heavily populated.

WBIR: Aircraft Crashes at Ketron Island

Twitchy: Stolen aircraft with F-15 in pursuit

Victory Girls: Broken man flies plane into the ground

CBS: Stolen plane may have crashed near Ketron Island

Hot Air: Suicide by plane: So how easy is it to steal an aircraft?

KATU 2: Aircraft stolen at SeaTac apparently crashed in Pierce County

Daily Beast:  F-15s intercept stolen plane, trying to force it down, airport shut down

Instapundit: Well likedThe latest on the SeaTac plane highjack and crash and Developing

TOM: Crazy People Are DangerousFurther Correspondence Regarding Deranged Ex Professor Debra Frisch, and In The Mailbox 08.10.18

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