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Monday, December 9, 2013

Al Sharpton and Chris Matthews beclown themselves over comparing Barack Obama to Nelson Mandela and MSNBC says the term "Obamacare" is racist

Anything to change the topic from the on going car wreck that is Obamacare...

While not in this clip, Chris Matthews gushes on afterwards on how profound this insight is.

First of all, Barack Obama is nothing like Nelson Mandela (other than the fact both had African fathers and both are politicians). Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for leading an armed revolution against the South African government, plead guilt to those crimes, and then spent 27 years in prison on a life sentence. When he was released, he ran for office and won.  Rather than taking revenge against his opponents, Mandela reached out to them to include them in the government and after serving one term stepped down as President.

Barack Obama was a child raised in reasonably upper middle class circumstances, prep schools and then an Ivy League education, who then went on to college and a relatively rapid rise up to being President of the United States. To suggest that opposition to Obamacare is somehow the opposition not putting patriotism above politics is delusional and insulting. Obamacare is a disaster. It is bad policy. But apparently now even invoking the word Obamacare (which Barack Obama himself fully embraced until the Affordable Care Act system started to unravel on its own) is racist:
HARRIS-PERRY: “I want to talk today about a controversial word. It’s a word that has been with us for years. And like it or not, it’s indelibly printed in the pages of American history. A word that was originally intended as a derogatory term, meant to shame and divide and demean. The word was conceived of by a group of wealthy white men who needed a way to put themselves above and apart from a black man, to render him inferior and unequal and diminish his accomplishments.
Chuck Todd said President Obama made a huge mistake in embracing the term Obamcare. Even though last month the Obama Administration declared it was not abandoning the Obamacare label, things have apparently changed to warrant a different tack by Democrats.

So now MSNBC is trying to say calling it Obamacare was all a racist scheme by Republicans to undermine the President.

"We are at war with Eastasia. We've always been at war with Eastasia.

Wombat notes in Santa Clara County you cannot disparage Obamacare with "less than positive" remarks in the work force (too distressing to your co-workers, apparently)


  1. One's head swirls at the extent to which MSNBC will go to protect Barack Obama from any criticism. Of course, MSNBC is taking programming orders from the White house.

  2. If it isn't working, it must be because of a racist plot.

    Yeah, dat's da ticket.


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