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Friday, February 7, 2014

Not a "smidgen" of evidence Mr. President? Catherine Engelbrecht's testimony on being targetted by the IRS and other government agencies for audit...

Democrats and the President know that there was a coordinated effort to go after the President's political opponents. President Obama was being dishonest when he claimed there was not a smidgen of evidence of corruption. If that was the case, why did Director of the IRS exempt organizations Lois Lerner take the fifth in congressional testimony (because her answers could incriminate her)?  There is no doubt there was evidence of corruption in the IRS. There is also evidence (Ms. Engelbrecht is not the only one who experienced this) that it went beyond the IRS. What is unclear is who ordered this to happen and how high up in the government it went. My suspicion from the shifty behavior of President Obama, it went very high.

Time for the victims of IRS abuse to grow a set and target the IRS...
This looks like a smidgen of corruption...

And since I never miss an opportunity for a Rule 5, here are a few images of patriot heroine Catherine Engelbrecht who was unfairly targeted by the IRS and her government:

1 comment:

  1. Nice looking lady, but you actually expect His Royalness to take HER word?


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