Monday, July 8, 2013

You have to hit rock bottom before you can recover...

No commentators, but they can hear voices...
The meltdown...
Ann Althouse's blog is coming apart...

And Trooper predicts it and I concur:  She will have comments within the week.  She needs commentary.

And if perchance she goes cold turkey and sticks with it, good for her.  But I would not bet on it.

As predicted, of course it would help if Ann and Meade showed some good faith,
and less narcissism...
More from The Macho Response on Ann and Meade's meltdown here and here...
Macho Response: Althouse: Grovel or I will never call you names again...
Althouse Unfiltered (not affiliated with the Althouse blog, just about it).   

An interesting exchange between Inga (Allie Oop) and Darcy:
And I am pretty sure Trooper York is not President Mom Jeans either.  
Lem's Learning Levity:  Why Blog Crashes Have Become More Mundane...nice one!
Meade suffers from the same character flaws of his spounse:
Lem is on a roll:  Althouse Street and the corner of the Arab Spring...
Crack is on a roll too...and Ann...
The Macho Response: No Comment!


  1. Such remarkable hubris. "Commenters of good faith" meaning commenters who mostly agree with her, or are too timid to say if they don't.

    The Althouse echo chamber.

    1. The narcism is pretty amazing. When I compared her to Amy Bouzaglo of Amy's Baking Co. I was close to spot on...

    2. I would tend to agree. If she wants "Commenters of good faith", a lot of the people like harrogate and Inga/mitochondri/Apfelkuchen would have to go, but she's had plenty of chances to do that.

      As far as the comments coming back on, she may just decide to take a road trip (she needs it IMHO) and let it go for a couple of weeks or just decide, screw it.

      She said something about a month ago about closing down the gig, maybe this is the start.

    3. Maybe she should take a break. I never got into it with her more vile commentators, other than "J" who was in my opinion a creepy stalking sex offender in the making.

  2. Nice.

    Hey ed glad to see you around. Keep up the good work.

  3. Same to you. Hope Mrs Troop is well.


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