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Thursday, September 26, 2024

Did Kamala Harris ever prosecute a case on her own?


There appears to be no cases Kamala Harris prosecuted as a prosecutor!  

Kamala Harris touts her record as a California prosecutor.  But it appears she may never have actually tried a case as lead counsel. How is that even possible? The first thing they do to new assistant prosecutors is give them some misdemeanor cases to take to trial and then have them work their way up to felonies. How did she dodge that?

Kamala Harris is now going on again about her working at McDonald's again (she claims she did the fries).  There is no evidence Kamala ever worked at a McDonald's, and there is nothing wrong with having a summer gig working. Still, when the media never calls you out, you can just make up anything you want.  

AoSHQ: Morning Report 09.26.24

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