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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Tucker Carlson Responds To Australian Media

I am no fan of Putin, but Tucker Carlson's response to this loaded question is pretty darn impressive. This is the way. Carlson is right about the Ukraine Russia war, the longer it goes on the worse it gets for Ukraine.  

EBL: Russia vs. Ukraine: Who actually wins this war of attrition?

PJ Media: Tucker gloriously destroys Australian reporter

AoSHQ: Morning Report 06.26.24

1 comment:

  1. Did the commie libturds in America give that libturd the questions to ask Mr. Carlson? They are the same questions and lies OUR "news" people ask conservatives, and Mr. Trump.
    What a mess this has turned into. Mr. Carlson shot the shit out of the commie libturd that is for sure.


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